On Monday, Apple announced during its major launch event a new hearing aid mode for the AirPods Pro 2 as a software update. This feature has now been authorized by the FDA, paving the way for its rollout.
This will be the AirPods Pro 2 are among the cheapest hearing aids on the market, with or without headphones. Moreover, they are very good earbuds to play music and also listen to other media.
Apple’s hearing aid feature uses either a hearing test performed on-site using your AirPods Pro 2 and your iPhone, or an audiogram from a hearing care professional.
The adjustments made based on the hearing test or audiogram are then automatically applied to everything you hear in your AirPods Pro 2, including Transparency mode, music, movies, podcasts, you name it.
The hearing aid feature is expected to be available in over 100 countries and regions in the future. This will only work with iPhones on iOS 18. Incidentally, the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system available on September 16.