Huawei will introduce its first triple-folding smartphone called Mate XT on September 10. The company recently launched a video teaser shows us the back of the Mate XT. Now, we have a look at the official image of the Huawei Mate XT, which shows us the triple-folding, double-hinged design of the smartphone. You can check it out below.
This image was shared by Huawei’s online store, which revealed that the Mate XT will come in 16GB/512GB and 16GB/1TB storage configurations. Huawei is also taking pre-orders for the Mate XT until September 19, with sales beginning the following day.
Huawei hasn’t revealed anything about the Mate XT yet, but with the event only three days away, it’s unlikely we’ll learn everything about the brand’s first tri-fold smartphone.
Source (in Chinese)